As You Sip: Sop


As You Sip: Sop

As You Sip is our content series where we chat to some of our favourite businesses: they might be local to us, friends of ours, or just businesses who we admire and want you to find out more about. We’ll be chatting to them about their work, their values and of course, their drinking habits. Today we’re talking to Norfolk body products brand, Sop.

For those who don’t already know, tell us a bit about Sop and the story behind the business?

Sop (Scents of place) is a vegan bodycare brand; inspired by our natural Norfolk landscape and language. All products are made exclusively from essential oils, we don’t use anything synthetic. We are also proudly vegan certified and soon to be Leaping Bunny approved.

I’d been developing Sop for a year before Covid struck and really deliberated whether this was the ‘right’ time to launch, whilst it’s been tough at times, it’s been the best decision I could have made. I work with a local manufacturer and ship from a warehouse in Norwich. We sell to customers, trade, and now into serviced hotel apartments.

As fellow small business owners, we’d love to know what drives you every day, and what values are most important to Sop?

Adventure and the ability to make positive change.

I am inspired by adventure and with a new business, no two days are the same. I have quite ambitious plans but none are profit shareholder driven. We currently donate to several charities (Norfolk Wildlife Trust and SUGI) as well as donating physical products to ShowerBox so the homeless can keep clean and safe in London. I’d like to do something more formal in my home city.

The last couple of years have been challenging for everyone and as a wellbeing brand I hope I can share tips/advice to our consumers on how to live more consciously and mindfully based on reading and research. I’ve been actively seeking collaborators to share their tips and wisdom. The next being a breathworks coach. 

What does a typical day look like at Sop, and what’s currently keeping you busy?

After dropping my son at school I arrive at the studio around 9am. I try to set the day with good intentions. Light one of our (soon to launch) Sop candles, put on a good playlist and more often than not will walk to my local coffee shop. I read a lot and whilst the last year has been testing (home schooling/Covid/Brexit) I fully appreciate how important it is to take a deep breath and pragmatically tackle challenges head on.

Unless I’m on a shoot or in meetings, I will typically be liaising between the warehouse, manufacturer, hotel and trade clients during the day.

At the end of a long week, what’s your favourite drink to settle down to?

At the end of a long and hopefully productive week, I would have a glass of prosecco and on a Friday it’s usually enjoyed with friends. 

On to cocktails then, do you like to experiment with new drinks or stick to the classics?

I am very open to experimenting. I am just back from the weekend at Birch and enjoyed a glass or two of Old Fashioned and Negroni.
Where’s your favourite place to take a moment and savour a cocktail?

I think anywhere with friends is always a pleasure. I love to host so happy to have friends over or go out.

Now, we’d love to know what you’re enjoying as you sip the perfect cocktail — firstly, what are you listening to?

It would most likely be my Spotify playlist, Clarity.

And what are you reading?

I’m reading Nature Fix at the moment. I proudly bought some walking boots a couple of weeks ago and cannot advocate more the benefits of getting outside for improving your mental health and wellbeing.